
The Dictionary created by me for words that I believe I created or words that I believe were defined incorrectly.

Downgrade-ability - the ability of a program designed in a particular version of a software to be downgraded to a previous version of that software without having to rewrite the program.

Most things do not have downgrade-ability even though doing so for the majority of circumstances would be relatively easy.
— Jordan Burnam

Flame Retarded - An object typically inanimate that is too stupid to know it should follow the laws of thermal dynamics and catch fire and so is fire retardant by it's own stupidity.  

I got a new trash can that is flame retarded. I can now burn all my papers without fear of the trash can burning, just everything around it.
— Jordan Burnam

Sproot - A word that has the same meaning as sprout but sounds better when you're bored at work. 

I feel stupidity has begun to sproot!
— Jordan Burnam